We meet our partners in much different circumstances than we end up in.
Often we meet in a social context with very few shared responsibilities. We have so much fun together and everythng feels so light.
Then, when we settle down, perhaps have children and share a home and all of the responsibilities that come with it, we suddenly find ourselves in what feels like a purely transactionsal relationship. It feels like we are just trying to survive and get things done, like ships in the night …who sometimes argue.
The lightness disappears and the fun is a distant memory.
If this is you, I get it. But the good news is that your transactional existence isn’t you - it’s not your new truth or the inevitable future of your relationship. It’s just a new habit of being together that got created unintentionally, and can be uncreated intentionally.
This is what I love to help couples with.
In this 6 session series, I help you find your old selves, the ones who fell in love, with research based training in communication and mindset strategies that work.
The COUPLES COACHING program is a bespoke intervention tailored specifically to your circumstances.
Included in the 6 session package are private DISC and MEANING CIRCLES workshops.
Program Includes: 6 x 90 minute sessions, COUPLES COACHING Questionnaire, DISC Profile Questionnaire & Unpack, reading resources, unlimited calls and emails.