The Executive Program is a transformational professional development program for people who want to expand their capacity to lead by developing their Emotional Intelligence.

In this highly interactive, challenging and transformative series, leaders will know that they are making real, tangible progress in the 3 Pillars of Leadership: Communication, Perception & Self-Awareness.

COMMUNICATION We spend 70-80% of our time in some form of communication, yet very few leaders feel that they have mastered their ability to communicate such that they are reliably heard the way they want to be heard. And many people feel that communication skills are inherited, as if it is something they simply got or didn’t get at birth. So it’s really exciting in this segment when we we look at what’s missing in most communication and explore 3 models of listening which create unprecedented agency in future communication.

PERCEPTION When it comes to our perception, most of us are on an ancient auto-pilot, perceiving life through an outdated, often negative filter. And how we think determines not only what we think, but how we feel and what we do, what actions we take. In this segment, as we unpack the MEANING CIRCLES mindset model, we see with powerful clarity how true this is in our own lives. Leaders will leave with breakthrough ability to take control over how they think, impacting how they feel and what they do at work and in life.

SELF-AWARENESS Confidence in leadership explodes with self-awareness and it is possibly the greatest life skill to develop. When we can see ourselves objectively, we have access to extraordinary resources within us that are otherwise untapped. The Executive Program is a journey where we move from being on auto-pilot to being self-aware, while learning strategies to take, small daily steps to make, to have more and more agency with our mindset.

10/10 (Meaning Circles Workshop) Very practical, useful. Think the 10-15 people I spend most of my time with have done it. Only my parents to go :)
— Mike Bird, CEO,
10/10 Terrific opportunity to expose our team to concepts that will help them long term. Practical, engaging.
— George Glover, CEO, Social Garden


Annual Membership Program includes monthly 120 minute coaching sessions in your home, office or online.

Also available as a one day workshop for teams POA